Lets face it, DC are lacking in some of the areas that Marvel are excelling, with every move DC takes Marvel does it 10 times better when trying to get hold of the world’s attention. Now I could write about how Endgame is better than the Joker and trigger half of the Internet but I want to do something that is more…interesting, I won’t be pairing up how the two handle their films, I am going to talk about how they handle everything and why they’re being left behind. These are DC’S five biggest problems that they could improve on.

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5. It’s Audience

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DC needs to realise that countries outside of America is invested in their products. Take the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover, the crossover was the opposite of Endgame in every way. Marvel told us to keep Endgame sacred and not spoil it, DC went the opposite way and spoiled every single surprise the day after the episode was released and considering most of the world hasn’t seen it yet, America ruined it for everyone. Their streaming service is also proof of pandering to America…seeing as it’s only available there. If they can’t make their streaming service accessible then they should at least sort something out with Netflix…and don’t tell me that’s impossible, Titans is on there (and we all know how I feel about Titans).

4. Their Roster

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Do you want to know how many ties Batman has appeared in film? 17 times, and that’s not even counting the animated movies that he takes centre stage in. Do you want to know how many films Martian Manhunter has appeared in? 1 made for TV movie. Do you see where I’m going with this? The MCU can rely on an array of interesting characters, each one with a different backstory and tone to a movie. I swear to god, whoever is in charge of the DC movies just forgets that they have characters that aren’t Batman or Superman. How many times can you rehash the same story over and over again. Characters like Mr Miracle, Doctor Fate and Captain Atom are equally as rich but get shoved out of the spotlight because the Batman story needs to be told for the 14th time. Expand your horizons and stop telling the same story.

3. Fire Whoever Keeps Leaking Shit

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Let’s look at Robert Pattinson’s Batman for a little bit, it’s about time I share my thoughts on the newest caped crusader. Yes I like the new suit, Bat cycle and am excited to see the 2021 release. However, all of these photos weren’t released online officially…instead they were leaked. It feels as though the latest Batman movie’s set is the easiest to leak, considering we’re getting a new photo every week. Don’t get me wrong it’s not just The Batman, James Gunn’s take on the Suicide Squad has had pictures surface online revealing what the titular team will look like. DC needs to get it’s act together because Comic Book projects like the Umbrella Academy, Wanda Vision and Black Widow are some of the most guarded projects in Hollywood. A safe film set means no surprises get ruined.

2. Stop Cancelling Your Good Shows

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DC don’t know what’s good for them to be honest. Cancelling shows like Swamp Thing, Krypton and Doom Patrol is one of the worst decisions that they can do. These high budget investments are the way forward for television shows, DC could have had their own brand of Netflix like shows. The Arrowverse shows will always have a special place in my heart but, television is evolving and it’s time for DC to evolve to.

1. Leave Your Sidekicks Alone

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DC Comics standardized sidekicks in comics with the introduction of Robin in 1940, DC Comics are also the company who are the most disrespectful to their sidekicks. Whether you look at Heroes in Crisis, Death in the Family or even the way that they handle Wally West in The Flash television show. DC really know how to mishandle their sidekicks, which is a shame. Marvel have worked wonders with Bucky Barnes, Phil Coulson and even given The Runaways a show that their niche fan-base would be proud of. DC kill theirs off, make the murders or push them out of the spotlight because they don’t know what to do with them. You guys, you have young readers, they are supposed to connect with these characters because sidekicks view the world as the younger readers out look.

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I’ve been a bit hard on DC lately but all of this is constructive criticism. I have been influenced more with DC than Marvel in my life so it’s extremely upsetting to see the company in the way that it is, because, even the direction I’m taking in my life is because of the Big Blue Boy Scout. I hope they find their mojo back because a world without DC is obscene, I mean, they are the reason why have the comic book platform that is so popular today, they’ve been at the forefront of history when it comes to revolutionizing the comic book and it would be such a shame to see that go.





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