Sadly, Stan Lee has passed at the age of 95. However, Stan would not want us to spend this time in sadness, therefore I am going to review some of my favourite moments in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Celebrating the cinematic universe based on the work of the Marvel Comics co-creator here are my favourite moments in no particular order. I hope you enjoy.


It Never Gets Old

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Our first unveiling of the fictional city that T’Challa comes from starts off my list. In previous films before Wakanda was mentioned in passing by Bruce Banner and displayed on a computer screen in Iron Man 2. However, when we finally see it the country is revealed under a protective dome that sets the tone for the billion dollar grossing movie. The sound track is heavily used as we are honoured as the King arrives home. this unforgettable scene in the film is helped by a quote spoken T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) as he remarks how entering the dome hat protects the city will never get old, there is a mutual feeling with fans in the film and of the comic book character as Wakanda has become one of the most recognised fictional countries.


Doctor In The House

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Doctor Strange’s (Benedict Cumberbatch) fight to protect his Sanctum Sanctorum is next as this fight scene is different from any Marvel movie. You can see the desperation as the good doctor is fighting for his life to stay alive, but, it’s not just the fight choreography that is impressive, it is the resourcefulness of Doctor Stange as he uses the house to defend himself against the magical henchmen of Kaecilius. This is also the scene where Doctor Strange is fully formed as he is dressed in his garbs for the first time in the MCU. There are many arguments that the MCU fights are mindless CGI fights, but this scene defies these expectations by using the set the fight is based in as a kind of living weapon.


A Film By Peter Parker

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Not action packed at all, after the Marvel Logo (assisted by an orchestral version of Spider-Man’s theme) the film kicks off with a homemade video that displays that Peter Parker is a 21st Century teenager that would record the amazing event on his phone. With moments that the audience had never seen before, moments that the audience are already familiar with and a light reintroduction to Holland’s Peter Parker. This would be a lot higher on a top 10 list but I cannot stop quoting this scene. The montage brings Spider-Man into a new age because lets face it…sorry Andrew Garfield Spider-Man, no one carries around a bulky camera anymore.


Who The Hell’s Bucky

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There is no other Marvel film like Captain America: Winter Soldier. A spy espionage thriller that makes you question if this is your grandfather’s Captain America film. The reveal of who the Russian assassin was that was causing trouble for Cap (Chris Evans) was all made clear, but, expectations were subverted as with just two words the Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan) shattered the Star Spangled Avenger’s heart with just two words… “who’s Bucky”. This scene is magnificent becuase it displays that ressurection won’t always be a blessing, the line these characters draw are not as black and white as we would like to imagine. Friends can become enemies, ties can be severed and trust can be lost.


No Strings On Me

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Avengers: Age of Ultron has a reputation of not being better that the first Avengers film. However, the villain of the second tea outing made a better first impression than Loki (Tom Hiddleston), with a disfigured, robotic shell Ultron taunts the Earths Mightiest Heroes one by one. Ultron’s rendition of “there are no strings on me” sang in the movie Pinocchio highlights his sinister presents, even Captain America seems disturbed as Ultron (James Spader) crashes their party. Spader’s chilling yet soothing voice adds charisma to a robotic life form that just wants “peace in our time”.


Thor: Ragnarok

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It is hard to pick out a favourite scene from this movie because I could probably watch this film 10 times whilst still finding it funny. In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) goes for comedy and delivers exceptionally, Thor is no longer Earth bound with a Jack Kirby inspired art style, he also replaces his boring science buddies with hilarious space creatures each more funnier than the one before. Jeff Goldblum as the Grand Master gives a little bit of his “Goldblum Spice” towards an ancient character. Chris Hemsworth lets his comedic timing shine through in this film. Even if you are not a fan of comic book films I highly recommend it just for the comedy.


The Whole Team’s Here

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The first team we see the team in action, the group shot of the Avengers is one of the best moments in the MCU because it shows that patience is the biggest virtue and this cinematic universe is something worth waiting for. Captain America giving out orders, Hulk’s uncontaminated rage, Iron Man’s quips, Thor’s Hammer swinging and the serious looks of the super spies, they are all ingredients to an unforgettable scene.


The Snap

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From the Avengers’ proudest moment to their darkest. Thanos’ promise to wipe out half the universe is fore-filled as just by the click of his fingers, we temporarily say goodbye to some of our favourite Marvel superheroes. The absence of music, the dread of Thor’s face, the apology of Doctor Strange…the whole cinema silenced when half the universe was sent to a dusty death. Can the Avengers set things right in ‘Avengers 4’?


Come And Get Your Love

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A different start to a science fiction adventure, the dark depressing tone of the planet Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) dancing on is juxtaposed with Redbone’s “Come And Get Your Love” sets the tone for Marvel’s space opera straight off the bat. Star-Lord’s charisma is shown throughout the dance number as he uses alien rats for microphones, fiddles with skeletons and displays his near futuristic mashed together tech to over come obstacles. Setting scene for Marvel’s cosmic side, this scene gets my love every time I see it.


Call Me, Beep Me, If You Wanna Reach Me

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The End-Credit scene of Infinity War is the first glimpse we see of Captain Marvel. The world is feeling the affects of the snap, as Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) becomes victim to the snap he activates a 90’s pager…with three long beeps the Kree symbol with a blue and red background is displayed on the screen. This scene displays that even if the world is falling apart you can still rely on these heroes, there is still a glimmer of hope in the universe. Wherever she, is lets keep out fingers crossed Captain Danvers will hear Fury’s call.


The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a box office juggernaut but it wouldn’t exist without Stan Lee. Stan’s imagination fuelled the courage of generations, inspiring countless nerds to stand up against racism, bigotry and arrogance against the fellow man. Thousands are around the world owe a lot to Stan and he will be missed all over the world.


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